An Amizing Child who speaks 13 Languages
Watch this amazing kid from India who is knowing 13 languages in just 13 years of age ! Unbelievable
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Watch this amazing kid from India who is knowing 13 languages in just 13 years of age ! Unbelievable
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S3 Technology Softwares
7:57 PM
Labels: Discover India, Google, Internet, World At Door step
Subscribe : Subscribe By EmailWatch out to latest Video of Eh papi ! Its Rocking ...
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S3 Technology Softwares
7:15 PM
Labels: Audio and Video, Discover India, Internet, Others
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My local SQL Server 2005 installation was damaged and I needed to be able to continue work on a project that makes use of the Visual Studio 2005 Team Edition for Database Professionals (VSTS DB Pro). The problem is that VSTS DB Pro requires a local SQL Server 2005 Developer Edition instance and above for it to work. So how does one make use of a remote SQL Server instance?
Perhaps there's another way to make it work with a remote SQL Server instance, but it appears that the current version of VSTS DB Pro does not natively support such configuration.
Luckily I found a MSDN Forum Post where Thomas Waldron suggests the use of a tool called TcpTrace to redirect the local 1433 port to that of a remote SQL Server instance. It works like a charm! I can now load my database projects.
--- Posted by Leo Vildosola
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S3 Technology Softwares
3:40 PM
Labels: Internet, Open Source, Programming, Sql Server, Windows
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One of WLW features of interest to the geek in me is its support for plugins via its SDK. As you may already know, a plugin allows developers to extend an application with additional features.
A good part of my posts contain source code snippets to illustrate and/or compliment the content. Instead of using plain text to represent the code snippets I have been using CSS-based syntax highlighting thanks to the online code formatter written by Jean-Claude Manoli.
When I started using WLW I looked for plugins to see what useful features others have created. The Writer Windows Live Gallery has a growing list of plugins. I had found the Insert Formatted Clipboard, Paste from Visual Studio and Insert Code for Windows Live Writer, all for formatting and/or applying syntax highlighting to sample source code. But while using them I found that there were things I wanted to do that these plugins did not offer. So, I wrote the Code Snippet plugin based on the syntax-highlighting code that Jean-Claude made public.
The following image shows the main Code Snippet window that you can use to interactively review the sample code before inserting into your post.
Some of the features in the Code Snippet plugin are:
Run Silent - use latest settings to automatically process current clipboard contents for quick pasting without displaying the Code Snippet dialog. Press and hold the Ctrl key while activating the plugin to return to previous mode (Full or Compact).
Rich Text Editor - lets you perform final changes to the source code before pasting it into your blog post. I work with a lot of source-controlled code that I don't want to necessarily touch in that environment prior to posting. So, I wanted to have the ability to increase/decrease indents or make changes to namespaces or class names without pasting to other text editors as an intermediary step.
Expandable/Splitable Code Panes - able to view the code to process or the formatted code using the entire dialog space, in addition to viewing both contents in split mode.
Persistent Options - any changes to the options are automatically stored in an external configuration file and reloaded on next execution.
View HTML - you can view the HTML markup before inserting the code snippet.
Update (02/27/07): New features in version 1.0.1.
Compact Mode - in addition to the Full Mode, you can now also work with a compact version of the dialog that allows you to quickly select the formatting options without a preview. Switching between Full and Compact Modes is quick and painless by pressing the F12 key. The following figure shows the Compact Mode dialog for the plugin.
Window Placement Persistence - in addition to automatically storing formatting and other options, now the window location, size, and other characteristics are also remembered.
Copy CSS Style to Clipboard - to make it easier to extract the stylesheet for inclusion in your blog's template, you can now easily copy the contents to the clipboard.
Update (03/26/07): New features in version 1.0.2.
Support for CSS snippets - Added support for syntax highlighting Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) snippets.
Embedded Styles Now Inline - Changed implementation used for embedding styles from using the class attribute to using the style attribute. The former assumed embedding the stylesheet classes as part of the generated HTML for the code snippet. The latter uses inline definitions, which proves to be friendlier to RSS feeds and e-mail delivery where the embedded CSS is not recognized.
Plus more features that should be evident once you start playing with it.
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S3 Technology Softwares
3:18 PM
Labels: Ajax, Delphi, Internet, Programming, Windows
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In traditional JavaScript coding, if you want to get any information from a database or a file on the server, or send user information to a server, you will have to make an HTML form and GET or POST data to the server. The user will have to click the "Submit" button to send/get the information, wait for the server to respond, then a new page will load with the results.
Because the server returns a new page each time the user submits input, traditional web applications can run slowly and tend to be less user-friendly.
With AJAX, your JavaScript communicates directly with the server, through the JavaScript XMLHttpRequest object
With an HTTP request, a web page can make a request to, and get a response from a web server - without reloading the page. The user will stay on the same page, and he or she will not notice that scripts request pages, or send data to a server in the background.
By using the XMLHttpRequest object, a web developer can update a page with data from the server after the page has loaded!
AJAX was made popular in 2005 by Google (with Google Suggest).
Google Suggest is using the XMLHttpRequest object to create a very dynamic web interface: When you start typing in Google's search box, a JavaScript sends the letters off to a server and the server returns a list of suggestions.
The XMLHttpRequest object is supported in Internet Explorer 5.0+, Safari 1.2, Mozilla 1.0 / Firefox, Opera 8+, and Netscape 7.
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S3 Technology Softwares
3:12 PM
Labels: .Net, Ajax, Internet, Java and JavaScript, Programming
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AJAX is not a new programming language, but a technique for creating better, faster, and more interactive web applications.
With AJAX, your JavaScript can communicate directly with the server, using the JavaScript XMLHttpRequest object. With this object, your JavaScript can trade data with a web server, without reloading the page.
AJAX uses asynchronous data transfer (HTTP requests) between the browser and the web server, allowing web pages to request small bits of information from the server instead of whole pages.
The AJAX technique makes Internet applications smaller, faster and more user-friendly.
AJAX is a browser technology independent of web server software.
AJAX is based on the following web standards:
The web standards used in AJAX are well defined, and supported by all major browsers. AJAX applications are browser and platform independent.
Web applications have many benefits over desktop applications; they can reach a larger audience, they are easier to install and support, and easier to develop.
However, Internet applications are not always as "rich" and user-friendly as traditional desktop applications.
With AJAX, Internet applications can be made richer and more user-friendly.
There is nothing new to learn.
AJAX is based on existing standards. These standards have been used by most developers for several years.
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S3 Technology Softwares
3:11 PM
Labels: Ajax, Internet, Java and JavaScript, Programming, Softwares
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Developers learn by doing, that is way a good IDE is crucial for learning any language or programming model. Tools for javascript development have definitely lagged the demand after AJAX and interactive sites gained popularity.
Visual Studio 'Orcas' (which should be released late '07 or early '08) will feature both a javascript debugger and intellisense. Check out these intro's from Microsoft's web development team:
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S3 Technology Softwares
3:10 PM
Labels: Ajax, Delphi, Internet, Java and JavaScript, Programming
Subscribe : Subscribe By EmailExcellent paper on JavaScript Hijacking. Javascript is not protected in the same way that HTML is on the web page and since on AJAX powered sites it can be used to access sensitive data there is an inherent security risk (which can be quite easily controlled as it turns out).
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S3 Technology Softwares
3:09 PM
Labels: Internet, Java and JavaScript, Open Source, Programming
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When microsoft announced Silverlight it looked a great technology but we had to wait until Mix 2007 for Microsoft to see what it could really do.
The real news is that Silverlight will contain a mini-version of the .NET framework. Therefore developers can code in C#, Javascript (ECMA 3.0), VB, Python and Ruby. This is a massive advantage for Silverlight, it takes advantage of the large number of existing C/VB/Javascript developers and will add the ease of the development that the .NET framework (using Visual Studio as the IDE) is noted for.
All this in a 4MB downloadable plugin for the browser, distributing this plugin should be an easy task for Microsoft as it could even be included in a Windows update.
So how does this compare to Flash/Flex. It is difficult to find any advantage left for the Adobe platform, in terms of speed, flexibility, developer tools and video output Silverlight seems to comprehensively trounce Flash/Flex. There is still the issue of developer acceptance, developers have an instinctive suspicion of Microsoft and it products. Even some diehard MSoft sceptics seem such as Steve Gilmor seem convinced that Silverlight is a home run.
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S3 Technology Softwares
3:08 PM
Labels: Ajax, Internet, New Technology, Programming
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AJAX stands for Asynchronous JavaScript And XML.
AJAX is a type of programming made popular in 2005 by Google (with Google Suggest).
AJAX is not a new programming language, but a new way to use existing standards.
With AJAX you can create better, faster, and more user-friendly web applications.
AJAX is based on JavaScript and HTTP requests.
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S3 Technology Softwares
3:05 PM
Labels: Ajax, Delphi, Internet, Open Source, Programming
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Before you continue you should have a basic understanding of the following:
If you want to study these subjects first, find the tutorials on our Home page.
Java and JavaScript are two completely different languages in both concept and design!
Java (developed by Sun Microsystems) is a powerful and much more complex programming language - in the same category as C and C++.
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S3 Technology Softwares
1:54 PM
Labels: Gadgets, Google, Internet, Java and JavaScript, Open Source, Others, Programming, Softwares, Tips and Tricks
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With services like PayPerPost and Sponsored Reviews cropping up, it was only a matter of time before affiliates learned they could use it to their advantage.
I’ve just noticed a rather creative attempt to use the sponsored reviews systems. One of the advertisers at Sponsored Reviews is offering up to $10 for your review of a website hosting/building program. The twist – the advertiser does not own the site – she is just the affiliate and asks you to use her affiliate link in the review.
While affiliate marketing via blogs is still a relatively new and mystical subject for some bloggers, it is gaining traction. As more bloggers educate themselves on affiliate marketing, the model of paying for merchant website reviews with an affiliate link may backfire; the blogger may see the potential for herself, sign up for the affiliate program, then use her own affiliate link.
A way around this may be to have the bloggers review your affiliate website. If your site goes beyond being a thin affiliate, you may receive some positive reviews from the blogger, thus driving traffic to your own personal creation and opening up more opportunities for converting visitors into customers. This method would also help you build link love, gain traffic, and you can actually collect visitor information for future marketing (i.e. build a list).
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S3 Technology Softwares
1:33 PM
Labels: Earning, Google, Internet
Subscribe : Subscribe By EmailCreating an affiliate website that promotes a single merchant is slightly different than creating a regular general purpose website or blog. The goal of an affiliate website is to redirect traffic through to the merchant’s website where, ultimately, the sales will be handled.
With the above in mind, here are a couple tips to help you maximize the success of your affiliate website or blog.
Design your affiliate site to look similar to the merchant’s website. Don’t mistake this for a license to steal the merchant’s design, but you can use a similar color scheme and place your navigational elements in the same location . When the visitor clicks through, the shock from a different site will be minimized.
If you’re promoting a number of different affiliate merchants on your site, each with a different design, it’s best to keep your own design very neutral. Use standard colors, place your navigation prominently on the page, and remove as much clutter as possible.
Creating an affiliate website that promotes a single merchant is slightly different than creating a regular general purpose website or blog. The goal of an affiliate website is to redirect traffic through to the merchant’s website where, ultimately, the sales will be handled.
With the above in mind, here are a couple tips to help you maximize the success of your affiliate website or blog.
Design your affiliate site to look similar to the merchant’s website. Don’t mistake this for a license to steal the merchant’s design, but you can use a similar color scheme and place your navigational elements in the same location . When the visitor clicks through, the shock from a different site will be minimized.
If you’re promoting a number of different affiliate merchants on your site, each with a different design, it’s best to keep your own design very neutral. Use standard colors, place your navigation prominently on the page, and remove as much clutter as possible.
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S3 Technology Softwares
1:26 PM
Labels: Earning, Google, Internet
Subscribe : Subscribe By EmailIn removing Nav bar there is nothing to do . U have to only go to template>Edit Html >
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S3 Technology Softwares
12:16 AM
Labels: Discover India, Google, Internet, Tips and Tricks
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