

Monday, February 11, 2008

Router Hangs due to Azureus

Mostly every torrent downloader requires to connect to more peers and seeds so it makes changes to windows tcpip config file to more than the maximum number of connections allowed ... some of the possibilities would be ... and i mentioned how to make your Internet stable ..

You have limited your upload speed ?
Install your old version of Azureus and test again. If the problem goes away either update to Azureus CVS (simply replace azuerus2.jar) and retest.
A colleague guessed that maybe Azureus was causing my router to crash?
Quite likely. If the above doesn't fix the issue, try each step below, restart the client and test after each step.

1) Open the UpNP tab and see what the messages are
2) Disable uPnP at client
3) Ensure DHT UDP port is forwarded to the client, not just open the port but forward also.
4) Disable DHT at client (DHT overwhelms some routers with connections)
4) Set your network adaptor and IP in Advnaced Network settings and specify ports

Hiding whole web page & displaying image instead of it during Ajax processing ..

When a WebGrid triggers an AJAX request, there is a delay until the request completes and is displayed on the client. In some cases, the programmer will want to hide or otherwise disable input on the WebGrid until this processing finishes. This article shows how to display an image or other "Loading" message while these requests process.

Additional Information

You can use the WebGrid’s BeforeXmlHttpRequest and AfterXmlHttpResponse client-side events to hide the grid and display a loading message.
Note that these events are only raised when an AJAX request is created by the WebGrid itself, not when processing custom AJAX requests.
This approach only works in NetAdvantage 2006 Volume 1 and later. In previous versions, the WebGrid is non-responsive during the BeforeXmlHttpRequest event.

Step-By-Step Example

The following functions hide the WebGrid and display an image when an AJAX request from the WebGrid starts, and hides the image and displays the WebGrid when the AJAX response finishes processing. In this example, both "grd" and "loadinggif" are the IDs of DIV elements which respectively contain the WebGrid and the loading image.
In JavaScript:

function grid_BeforeXmlHttpRequest(gridName,type)
    document.getElementById("grd").style.visibility = 'hidden';
    document.getElementById("loadinggif").style.visibility = 'visible';
function UltraWebGrid1_AfterXmlHttpResponseProcessed(gridName)
    document.getElementById("grd").style.visibility = 'visible';
    document.getElementById("loadinggif").style.visibility = 'hidden';

When both these DIV elements are positioned identically, it appears as though the image replaces the grid for the period it takes to process the AJAX request and response .

Sample Downloads

Demonstrates replacing a WebGrid with a loading image while processing an AJAX request

Fade in Animation in

Animation Using Ajax Toolkit

While the AJAX Control Toolkit is focused primarily on providing great AJAX controls and extenders, it also includes a powerful animation framework which you can use to add awesome visual effects on your pages. This walkthrough describes the basics of using this framework to create declarative animations.

The animations are implemented in JavaScript as an ASP.NET AJAX class hierarchy and can be invoked via JavaScript by calling the Animation's play function. This is very useful when writing to the animation classes from code, but writing complex animations ends up being time consuming and error prone. To make it very easy to use the animation framework without writing any JavaScript, the Toolkit provides the ability to declare animations via XML markup.

Extenders with animation support, like the AnimationExtender, expose various events, like OnClick, that can be associated with a generic XML animation declaration. Within this declaration, you specify which types of animation effects you would like to occur. For example, to make a Panel with ID = "MyPanel" disappear from the page when clicked, you could add an AnimationExtender like this:

<ajaxToolkit:AnimationExtender id="MyExtender"
runat="server" TargetControlID="MyPanel">
<FadeOut Duration=".5" Fps="20" />

Let's take a closer look at exactly what's going on in the XML above. The AnimationExtender is used to indicate that we want to make our animation target the control with ID = "MyPanel". The Animations section is where all generic animations are declared. OnClick indicates that when the target is clicked we will play the animation nested inside it. Finally, FadeOut defines the specific animation that will be played and sets the values of its Duration and Fps properties.

That's what this simple code does animation does ...

U can try implementing Ajax toolkit in ur Application for much more pretty animation ...