Auto .Net code Generation based on SQL Table
It has always been a heck for programmers to start form scratch when developing Asp.Net pages with some common functionality like Add / Delete/ Update record & Design Html. Well there’s no doubt that all programmers are lazy. Lazy in the sense, who believe in Smart work & minimizing there work & rework. Definitely, I’m also one of them.
Alright, lets start with the main topic. While developing Any Page what we need & how much time it takes ??
Here’s the answer… :
- HTML Page with Server Controls, (Appx. 20 mins.)
- Code Behind File to handle Events, (Appx. 20 mins.)
- A DB Class which contains methods for Adding/ Updating & Deleting Records from DB Tables. (Appx. 20 mins)
- Stored Procedures to perform DB Actions (Appx. Time 60 mins.)
For Creating all these things this usually takes approximately 2-8 Hrs depending on the complexity of your DB Tables.
But, what if you get all the above thing in JUST A CLICK. That sounds Cool ! isn’t it ?
At first, I tried searching for application that can perform this activity. But was unable to get any result for this. So After digging up Google, I made my final decision to Create Such Application By My Own. And here’s what I have “Express.NetArchitect”.
Complete Downloadable Source Code Available Below:
(RapidShare) Download Source (Size : 107 KB)
(RapidShare) Download Executable(Size : 32 KB)
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If you believe that this application needs to have additional features and this can be experimented then we can take it and your suggestion we can make it a boon for .Net programmers.
Thanks Good luck.