Past, Present, and Future of ADO.NET
Evolution of ADO.NET from ADO
- The DataReader object allows you to perform a single pass through a set of records as efficiently as possible whereas in ADO, this was achieved using a forward-only, server-side cursor.
- The DataSet and DataSetCommand objects allow you to create a client-side cache of one or more related recordsets and process it in a disconnected fashion whereas in ADO, a client-side cursor was used for much the same thing. By separating out these two very different sets of functionality, ADO.NET can provide tailored support for each approach, as well as exposing more power.
- Updation of data through pessimistic locking is not supported in ADO.NET. It is targeted at n-tier, Web-friendly applications and it does not intend to tread on ADO's toes in all areas. In ADO, updating data is done through connection-oriented pessimistic locking.
The other major differences between ADO and ADO .NET are as follows:
- XML in ADO.NET allows data to pass through a firewall. Data cannot pass through a firewall through the ADO recordset.
- ADO.NET supports the typed dataset, which means they support all the dataset capabilities built into .NET, including binding and XML DOM interoperation. In ADO, recordset fields are not strongly typed and are not supported by IntelliSense.
- ADO.NET DataSet can hold multiple tables and therefore is very flexible. In ADO, a recordset holds data only for one table.
ADO.NET is an attempt to encourage developers to use the disconnected model. Disconnected data is more scalable because it reduces the demand on database servers. It is much easier to scale the middle tier using parallel servers than it is to scale the data tier, and therefore scalable applications need to use data tier resources carefully. DataSets are always client-side.
The DataSet object contains a collection of zero or more DataTable objects, each of which is an in-memory representation of a single table. DataColumns and Constraint collection together make up the schema of the table. A DataTable also contains a DataRows collection, which contains the actual data in DataSet.
The DataSet contains a DataRelation collection. A DataRelation object allows you to create association between rows in one table and rows in another table.
DataSet neither knows nor cares about databases or SQL. It simply allows tables of data to be manipulated, exchanged, or bound to user interfaces. There are two standard ways of getting tables of data into a DataSet. One is by using a DataSetCommand object that turns the results of a database query into XML. This generates database updates in much the same way that the ADO Client Cursor Engine does, but with far greater control.
The second approach is to work directly with XML. The DataSet object has methods for reading and writing XML data and schemas, and can work closely with an XMLDataDocument object. The XMLDataDocument class in the .NET Framework inherits from the general-purpose XMLDocument class, extending it with specific functionality for manipulating tabular data and forming a bridge between a DataSet and a generic XML DOM.
To create a DataSet using an OLE DB Provider, you need to use an instance of the ADODataSetCommand class.
The following example explains how the dataset is loaded with data:
Dim Sql As New ADODataSetCommand("select emp_id, emp_fname,
emp_lname from employee",
Dim ds As New DataSet()
Sql.Fill(ds, "Employee")
The above dataset is is filled with data executed by a query.
Multiple DataTables can be created into a single DataSet, whereby relationships can be created between them to aid navigation.
The following code explains the relationship of two tables within a dataset:
Dim t1() As DataRow
Dim t2() As DataRow
Dim dr As DataRelation
Dim ds As New DataSet()
dr = New DataRelation("Employee",
The above example uses two tables, Employee and Department, to relate the department ID of the employee table with the department ID in the Department table. This establishes a parent-child relationship between these two tables.
There are four core objects that make up a .NET data provider:
- Connection: Establishes a connection to a specific data source and can begin a Transaction.
- Command: Executes a command at a data source, and exposes Parameters. It has three methods: ExecuteNonQuery, ExecuteScalar, and ExecuteReader. The Sql Command class exposes an additional method for executing the Command: ExecuteXmlReader
- DataReader: Exposes and reads a forward-only stream of data from a data source.
- DataAdapter: Populates a DataSet and resolves updates with the data source.
Managed Data Provider
- Multi-Tier Database Agents: The OpenLink VDB(Virtual Database) layer has been ported to C# and linked into the Provider, enabling it to communicate directly with the OpenLink Multi-Tier Database agents installed on the remote machine (or via 3-Tier connection)
- TDS Protocol: The TDS protocol has been ported to C# and linked into the Provider, enabling two 100% Managed Providers to be created capable of direct connectivity to Microsoft and Sybase SQLServer Databases without the need for any additional components on the Server
UnManaged Data Provider
The following example explains the steps of a data adapter for SQL Server.
Dim da As SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter
Dim cm as SqlClient.SqlCommand
Dim cn as SqlConnection
Dim ds as Data.DataSet
Dim StrSql as String
Cn=Initial Catalog=pubs;DataSource=local);userid=sa;pswd=;
StrSql=select * from user
Cm=new SqlClient.SqlCommand(StrSql,new SqlClient.SqlConnection(cn))
The above example executes the query and reads all data from the user table.
Associated Namespace of ADO.NET
The System.Data.OleDb namespace is the OLE DB .NET Data Provider.
The System.Data.SqlClient namespace is the SQL Server .NET Data Provider.
Filtering and Sorting in ADO .Net
ADO.NET supports two fundamental approaches for performing these operations:
- The DataTable Select Method: This method is overloaded to accept arguments to filter and sort data rows returning an array of DataRow objects.
- The DataView object sort, filter and find methods: This object uses the same filter arguments supported by the Select method, but the DataView extrudes structures that can be bound to data-aware controls.
The various features supported by ADO.Net 2.0 are:
- Allows multiple updates in a single batch operation. There's a new UpdateBatchSize property on DataAdapters that supports batched updates.
- Converting a DataReader into a DataSet using the GetDataReader method.
- Accessing two data reader objects simultaneously.
- Asynchronous data access.
- System.Data.Common.DbProviderFactory to create the standard connection, command, data reader, table, parameter, permissions, and data adapter classes.
- Data paging using the ExecutePageReader method.
- Binary DataSet remoting, that allows a dataset to be serialized using a binary format when employing .NET remoting.
All the above features are achieved through a simple solution.
Advantages and Disadvantages of ADO.NET
The benefits of using ADO.NET are are follows:
- Performance: Exteremely fast
- Optimized SQL Provider: Provider that is highly optimized for interaction with SQL Server
- XML Support: Everything you do in ADO.NET at some point will boil down to the use of XML
- Disconnected Operation Model: Remarkably efficient and scalable architecture
- Rich Object Model: The entire ADO.NET architecture is built on a hierarchy of class inheritance and interface implementation
The drawbacks of using ADO.NET are:
- Managed-Only Access: Cannot utilize the ADO.NET architecture from anything but managed code. This means that there is no COM interoperability allowed for ADO.NET. Therefore, to take advantage of the advanced SQL Server Data Provider and any other features such as DataSets, XML internal data storage, and so forth, your code must be running under the CLR.
- Only three managed data providers: Unfortunately, if you need to access any data that requires a driver that cannot be used through either an OLEDB provider or the SQL Server Data Provider, you may be out of luck. However, the good news is that the OLEDB provider for ODBC is available for download from Microsoft. At that point, the down-side becomes one of performance, in which you are invoking multiple layers of abstraction as well as crossing the COM InterOp gap, incurring some initial overhead as well.
Future of ADO.NET
In the future version of ADO.NET, the following points will be taken care of:
- Connected cursor models and a higher-level API called DataSpaces (Virtual Storage Area), similar in concept to the Entity bean of Enterprise Java Beans, were presented for developer feedback as possible enhancements to the ADO.NET model.
- Expect other data sources, such as Oracle databases, to have custom .NET data providers in the future.
- ObjectSpaces (treat data as an object), which provides a protective business logic layer for your source data.
- A managed schema object model for ADO.NET will replace the ADO Extensions for DDL and Security (ADOX). The future schema object model is based on the dataSet object and supports read/write access to Table, Column, and Constraint objects.
- Oracle and ODBC drivers will be implemented as .NET (formerly "managed") data providers.
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